Theo Maria

Who am I ?

My name is Théo! I'm a second year's student in a computer science master's degree, in the field of image and sound, at Bordeaux University, France.




What I like to do with my life



Dream Road - My first Unity game

In order to learn the basics of Unity, I was asked to make a game. The particularity here was that I wasn't given any particular instructions, so I felt this was the perfect opportunity to do something I really like. This is why I made this awesome arcade game, inspired by the game Audiosurf !

It includes a scoring system, with combo mechanics : if you hit many capsules in a row, you gain more points. On the contrary, if you get hit by an obstacle, you lose some points, and you lose your combo! I made almost every asset myself, including the music and the graphics!
Gitlab repository
Play the game !

Shrek Shrek Revolution : A Kinect dancing game made with Unity

For this project, I had to estimate the body pose of a 3D avatar by using a depth camera. I chose to use a Kinect, since it already has functionalities that allow body-pose estimation. Thus, the first part of the project was to estimate the pose of the person in front of the camera, and try to reproduce it on the 3D avatar.

As for the second part of the project, I decided to use these functionalities to make a dancing game. In order to do that, I had implement a system that allows gesture recognition, and then I can use it to make the player do actions in order to gain points. For this part I used a part of the score system I implemented on my first project.

Game - jams

Details about Global Game Jam 2020 and Jamming Assembly 2019 coming soon!

Current project : Finger pose estimation with Kinect

For my final project at University, I'm working on a way to estimate the position of fingers using a Kinect. Since the project just started, I don't have results for the moment, but this will come soon!

Sound and music processing

During my master's degree, I learned a lot of concepts about sound and music processing, as well as sound and music synthesis!
I worked on concepts such as : spectral representation, sampling, formats, FM synthesis, music classification, rythm analysis, musical similarity, key estimation, and many others...

Kaggle Challenge : Music genre classification

This is a deep-learning project, where me and my classmates had to compete in order to create the best music-genre classifier. I chose to extract audio spectrums from a music database, and perform a classification by using a CRNN (Convolutional Recurrent Neural Network). With this method, I managed to obtain an accuracy of more than 0.56, which is quite good given the dataset I had. Details about this project are available here.

Virtual and augmented reality

During the last semester, I worked on augmented and virtual reality technologies. I had to develop a Web-GL application in order to display a 3D scene in two formats : for anaglyph 3D, and for head-mounted display (like a Google Cardboard for exemple)

During this course, I also worked on an important aspect of augmented reality : Image tracking. I made a javascript application with OpenCV, which allows to track a color on an image in real-time, and drawing a circle around it.

All details about this course are available here.

Advanced Image Synthesis

Within this course, I learned to program functionalities such as deffered shading, shadow volumes, poly-harmonic interpolation, realistic rendering, path tracing, photon mapping, as well as other things! You can find all details about this course here.

Deep Learning in Computer Vision

Details coming soon!

Advanced Image Processing

Details coming soon!


Programming Skills


C# (Unity)






General Skills

Being kind, respectful, and non-oppressive

Adobe Suite (Photoshop, Premiere, After Effects)




Music synthesis

3D modeling


What I like to do with my life

Let's talk a bit about the things I like !


I'm a big fan of music! I love to discover and listen new artists and new genres from all over the world!
What I also love to do is composing music. I really like to experiment with virtual instruments with my computer, as well as playing with real instruments (like guitar and piano). I also like to sing, but I'm far from being good... (but it's only a matter of time!)

Exemple of a song I made :


As you could tell when reading my project part, I obviously love video-games! My love for video-games started when I was very young, with Nintendo games, particularly Mario games (especially the Paper Mario license), Zelda games (which is since then my favorite license), and when growing up, I found myself spending a lot of time on games like :

  • Portal 2 : For the interesting narration, and the fun puzzles to solve!
  • Minecraft : For the multiplayer fun, and the infinite possibilities of creation!
  • Terraria : For the sensation of growing stronger, the music, and various gameplay possibilities!
  • Dota 2 : For the challenging and various gameplay!
  • From Software Games (Dark Souls and Sekiro) : For the challenge, the exploration, the sensation of growing stronger, the great replayability, the music and the deep lore!
  • Monster Hunter : For the fun multiplayer and the sensation of growing stronger!
  • Celeste : For the music, the accesibility the immersive gameplay, and the incredible story!
  • Creation

    As a whole, I love to create things! I talked about music earlier, but I also love to do sound design, or image editing with Photoshop, video editing with Premiere, and special effects with After Effects.